Welcome to Kilmersdon Village Hall

Ours is no ordinary Village Hall!
Feel part  of our comunity and run your own event in our hall- family, amateur or professional.
Release your creativity!

Celebrations Weddings Conferences Birthdays Events Displays

If you can imagine it, you can make it happen here. Then enjoy your day doing it.

Local character

Come and enjoy the use of this hall for any event you can hold. 
We do everything to make your day an enjoyable success.
It looks good -  we built it to reflect the character of the village.

All that has earned us the highest accreditation that can  be awarded in recognition of our facilties and our customer service...

Only five Halls in Somerset have acheived this standard.

Latest News - Covid-19 Updated 9 August 2022

The Covid restrictions were removed, but we would like users of the hall to observe sensible precautions.
We are still keeping the plaee clean to look after you and the Hall.

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Virul - Ant and Vary - Ant

We are open again and we can welcome you back to the Hall!!!!

But, because Virul-Ant brought his little brother Vary-Ant to add to the difficulty of Covid and are still running about, we need to stay careful.

Our Covid advisory notes have been revised.

Click here to download


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Deterr - Ant

Deterr - Ant is still keeping the Hall Covid-free by arranging for Sparkling Solutions ( a local company) to carry out a deep clean every Friday.

The Hall is still safe.

What Others Say about Us.

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Design by Tel

We asked this nice bloke from another village to update this site. He did it because he said he likes us and our hall. He thinks you would too.

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The Ceilidh Band

Their full title is Four-Foot-Four Ceildh Barn-Dance-Band. After their barn dance here on 12 October, they said "The village hall in Kilmersdon is a great venue for a barn dance, ceilidh or similar event, as there is loads of space for dancing and a nice stage for the band to play from.” And ... it's fun way to help keep you fit.

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We train on Monday nights at this Hall. It's a great way for you to feel good. We find the hall perfect for training. It's location and facilities make it a perfect venue for Taekwondo.

Download our free Brochure here

Your Privacy

You may wish to be aware that we do not track you or record anything about you, but other people do.
To find out more please click on "Privacy" below

Welcome to Kilmersdon Village Hall

Built for community events - fun and serious.

To book your spot, call Danielle on 07527693937 or by email